Simplicity & Declutter Coaching

You’re meant for more. Clear the way for it.

Ready to stop drowning in the clutter of your life?

If you have a ball of anxiety in your stomach the literal moment you open your eyes in the morning...

If you daydream about what it would be like to have 15 minutes to yourself without something (or someone) in your house needing your attention …

If you feel a wave of FOMO when every time you leave your littles to go to work AND every time you leave work to go home to your littles …

You need to know - there is nothing wrong with you.

You’re buried under the expectations all around you.

Where could you be 7 days from now?

Why You Feel Like You’re Drowning in Life

Expectations are part of life. We start to learn what other people want from us as toddlers & that continues right up until we die.

As women taught to be “caretakers”, the pressure feels never-ending. Work, cook, clean, carpool the kids, help them with homework, coordinate all their activities, tend to your partner, your parents (maybe even their parents too!), keep up with all the housework, build a space shuttle…. 🫠🤯

Why is that urge to say YES so deeply imbedded?

Partly upbringing, life experiences, our biology & genetics. But it’s also because society teaches us to believe we’re supposed to do it all (immediately, perfectly, & without complaining!).

A snippet of the messages we receive:

  • Be perfect (or always trying to be) but don’t make it look like you’re trying.

  • Keep the house clean but don’t take time away from anything else to do it.

  • Don’t make any mistakes. Ever. In fact, poll everyone you know to ask what they think before you do anything.

  • Make sure everyone else is happy (even if it makes things more difficult for you).

  • Don’t disappoint or upset anyone. (And don’t forget to mentally replay every conversation, email, & text message you’ve sent this week to make sure you were beyond reproach in all things!)

If it feels like your priorities are always changing, like you don’t know what you want, if it’s hard to say no, or to let things go (physically or emotionally)? That’s not your fault. It’s how you’ve been taught to think.

It makes decluttering a nightmare. But I’m here to help you change all of that.

You Don’t Need to “Know” More - You Need to Do More

If you’re using online lists & social media trends as your main indicator of what to declutter, you’re creating twice as much decision fatigue for yourself.

And worse, you’re reinforcing the little voice inside whispering “You don’t know what you’re doing…you’re gonna mess up…this is a mistake…”

Letting anyone else determine if you’re “doing it right” or “going far enough” keeps you second-guessing yourself. It’s a waste of energy that completely bogs down your progress.

What you need is practice making your own decisions & having your own back.

Decluttering sets you up for mastering decisiveness so that you can get things done effectively and delegate without guilt.

It lets you reclaim HOURS of your life every day so you can do literally anything - or nothing!

Imagine if you could:

  • Experience what it’s like to wake up with a smile instead of panic & dread

  • Pursue fun, play, purpose, & create a life balance you are obsessed with

  • Stop relying on anyone else’s rubber stamp of approval (hello, unstoppable self-confidence!)

If things you’ve tried before haven’t worked, it’s not because you can’t do this. It’s because they don’t show you how to evict the underlying thoughts & fears that are keeping you gridlocked.

Changing those thoughts lets you start taking action. You create new beliefs, show yourself you CAN do this & inspire yourself to keep going.

You don’t need to figure out the perfect plan. You need to learn how to let yourself to do it imperfectly.

Could 7 days change your life? Only one way to find out…

Read more in my blog: