Feeling stuck, hopeless, & stressed out by your clutter?

I can help!

If you’re a preschooler mama in a demanding career who is TIRED of drowning in life, I’m here to help!

I specialize in empowering overwhelmed moms with littles to clear the clutter (& limiting beliefs!) so they can reclaim their time & energy, align it with what matters to them, & live a soul-satisfying life.

Get ready to experience a world that’s bigger than you ever thought possible (without hating yourself & everything else meantime).

Hey there!

My Story

I’m Sasia (If we haven’t met yet, it’s pronounced “Sasha”). I’m so happy you found your way here!

A quick summary of me:

Professionally: I have a Master’s in Social Work & over a decade of professional experience as a therapist specializing in trauma, substance use disorders, & cognitive-based therapies. I’ve worked in domestic violence shelters, ERs, crisis centers, case management programs, & outpatient clinics. I am passionate about helping women change the narratives about who they “should” be so they can see the incredible humans they already ARE.

Personal ‘tails: I’m a wife, a mom of one (who is somehow both a “baby” & a “teenager”🤦🏽‍♀️), & dog mom of 2.

I love to travel far & wide, but the Midwest is my home base.

I’m an unapologetic advocate of one-pan meals & fuzzy socks year-round.

In my downtime, you’ll find me free writing my thoughts (of which I have many - thank you anxiety disorder!) planning elaborate hypothetical vacations & re-reading my treasured Call of the Wild & The Hobbit/LOTR books 🤓

My current self-development includes reading up on feminism/socialization & watching the Great British Baking Show (that counts, right?)

Backstory: Ok, so there are about 500 versions of this that I could offer - so let me give you the key points:

  • Recovering addict (since 2010 🙌🏽)

  • Survivor of an abusive relationship

  • Supporter of a partner during a first schizophrenic break (& for 3 years thereafter)

  • Lifelong anxiety disorder with panic attacks (greatly improved by simplifying!)

  • Advocate for decluttering to create mental space, emotional capacity, self-connection, resilience, self-compassion, & (as my niece described it) “room to dance”!

In my journey, I’ve let go of:

Clothes & shoes that I had gotten to emulate other professionals I worked with. Turns out I’m actually good at what I do exactly the way I am, & when I’m authentic, I facilitate faster results!

Serums, potions, nail polish, makeup, etc. to make me look or feel better. This kind of “self-care” never made me feel better. Now, I self-care effectively & don’t rely on these things to change how I feel about myself. I still wear them sometimes, but it’s not to “fix” myself.

Things to help me do better at keeping everything organized & scheduled. Organization wasn’t the problem. What I needed to manage was my expectations of what one human can reasonably do. Now, I set boundaries, do more of what I love, & have way more flexibility. And things that need to get done still do.

Stuff for hobbies I didn’t engage in. Again with the expectations! Are you sensing a theme here?

I know it can feel so scary to examine & challenge your beliefs. Especially ones you’ve had for a long time & maybe even made big decisions based on. But that is where your power lies.

It’s what allowed me to become someone who took chances (even start my own business! 🤯).

To know that I’m amazing at life even if there are dirty dishes in the sink & laundry on the floor.

To love myself as a mom even when I yell at my kid or let her binge cartoons instead of playing outside.

This is my dream life.

It all started with one choice - to lean into that pull in my heart for something different.

I can’t tell you if your dream life includes less to manage. Only you can decide that.

So, just take a minute,

Get quiet. Lean in.

What does your heart say?

Schedule your free discovery call here: