You can’t find out how far you can go by standing still.

Right now, you’re…

… overworked, anxious, stressed, & burned out. You feel like you’re barely holding on most of the time

… harboring a bucket list of things you want to do (which leaves you depressed instead of inspired because you never have time)

… bitter & spiteful toward those moms who somehow seem to do it all - meaningful work, thriving social lives, & genuinely happy kids - you start to think ‘what am I doing wrong?’

What if instead:

  • You had repeatable strategies to feel like you are “that mom”

  • You had time to do what moves you - build a business, write a novel, create more art, cook meals you love, play with your kids, plan a dream vacation, volunteer at church…anything!

  • OR…you could do NOTHING without feeling the least bit of guilt or shame about it (😲).

But how!?

Here’s a truth I learned the hard way:

Acrylic bins, pretty labels, & a color-coded pantry won’t spontaneously make you feel like you’re killin’ it.

They won’t change the belief that you’re not doing enough. They won’t stop your fear of letting everyone down. They won’t prevent you from telling yourself you’re a bad wife or mom.

(In fact, sometimes those thoughts get louder - WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL WITH THIS SYSTEM YOU WON’T EVEN KEEP UP WITH!?)

You cannot imagine how bitterly disappointed I was to find out that I still had all the same fears & insecurities even after prettying up my house. WTF 😡

But here’s another truth:

The calm you’re craving, feeling at peace in your home, seeing possibilities (& believing you can achieve your goals) when you look around at your life - that’s all available to you right now. You just need to know how to cultivate it.

Most decluttering programs miss the mindset aspect completely, but it is essential if you want to stop feeling like the current of your life is about to pull you under any second.

Start leveraging your time AND your mindset so you can spend it on what matters.

CLEAR™ helps you:

  • Step into the version of you that is bold, confident, & clear about what she wants.’

  • Edit out all the things that don’t serve you - especially thoughts that weigh you down.

  • Get excited because you know you’re unlocking more of the woman you want to become with every decision you make.

  • Feel rock solid in your choices & let go with zero regrets. You know your “why” & you feel wildly empowered to follow it!

  • See yourself in a bold new light (as the unstoppable mompreneur you are!)

  • Show up ready to conquer the world (or just drink hot chocolate on the couch, guilt-free AF).

My mission is to help you create a life that fills you with so much genuine happiness, spark, hope, & vision for an incredible future that you can’t contain it.

I want you to go beyond inspired. I want you to know deep in your soul that you can change the world by being exactly who you are. Even if you decide that for you that just means yelling at your kids a little less 🙂

A 1:1 coaching program helping toddler moms clear the clutter so they can reconnect with themselves, create calm in their homes (& brains!), & start living a full, authentic, intentional life.


That’s why I created

With deep-diving personalized guidance, you’ll:

  • Reduce your physical, mental, & emotional clutter with less drama, decision fatigue, & self-doubt than you ever thought possible

  • Uproot limiting beliefs so that it feels easy to make decluttering decisions (& amps your self-confidence about making all kinds of other decisions too)

  • Get the tools you need to make fast, confident progress & overcome unhelpful thoughts

  • Have weekly accountability to help you through any stumbling block that tries to trip you up

  • Create a home that encourages you to open the door wide to the future of your dreams

    All with the support of an enthusiastic coach (🙋🏽‍♀️) right there with you every step of the way

The Specifics

How you’ll get from daydreams to dream life:


Any journey into uncharted territory requires basic navigational tools. Week 1 starts off with separating what you want from what you think you should want. (Don’t stress, you’ll get a written guide for this). You’ll:

  • Concretely define your guiding values (the impact of this alone will change how you approach everything)

  • Create empowered simplicity goals - not ones based on people-pleasing, perfectionism, or shame - ones that actually help make your life run smoother & free up time!

By the end of your first week, you’ll feel the power of taking direct action with a clear vision


In Week 2: We’ll go over your guide & create your personalized decluttering map so you can streamline with maximum efficiency. (You always have the option to go further between sessions too - I love when my clients feel empowered to take initiative!).

We’ll work on your first decluttering task together in this session. You’ll know exactly how to implement your plan going forward. And we’ll be working on it every week from here on out!


By Week 3, you’ll see the transformation of the spaces that are stressing you out! You’ll realize how doable this is & feel excited to keep going.

Every week, you’ll benefit from the proven power of body doubling plus my real-time help to break down the thought blocks that have derailed your progress in the past (& any new ones that come up!).


Emotional detours will happen along the way - some exciting & some not so much. It’s part of the deal any time we challenge ourselves. Don’t stress it, I got your back! (In fact, my entire therapy career was spent helping clients navigate challenges long before I became a coach!)

My approach:

  • Keeps you focused on the big picture, even when your brain offers (loud) objections

  • Gives you the tools to guide your thoughts with intention so you know how to stay the course without flogging yourself to the goal line

  • Emphasizes genuine self-care so you can feel good even when life doesn’t go to plan (because, really, does it ever?)


Woohoo! By Week 12, you will feel like a new woman ready to step into her CEO life! And your house will feel like the oasis that supports you in accomplishing all those mompreneur goals!

In our last module, we’ll:

  • Plan for how you’ll maintain your progress (I’ll give you a written guide if that’s how you roll)

  • Explore the new goals you’re bound to have now - because once you see what you can truly do, you won’t be able to stop yourself from thinking about what’s possible next!

Your investment is


What You Get

  • 12 weeks of 1:1 coaching support to help you fast-track through trouble areas

  • Weekly 45-minute sessions so you stay accountable to following your plan & break through any thought blocks

  • Weekly motivational emails to keep you focused on your goals between sessions

  • Evidence-based mindset shifting tools

    • Proven & scientifically validated cognitive strategies I specialized in as a therapist, coupled with a feminist lens to unravel subconscious social expectations

    • Learn how to coach yourself so you don’t need to depend on a coach forever!

  • Simple & repeatable strategies so that your decluttering journey reflects & supports your personal journey

  • Powerful results - This approach will change your home, but most importantly it will transform your relationship with yourself

  • The confidence of knowing the possibilities for you (& everyone your life touches) are boundless.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Unfortunately, no.

    Insurance companies require a comprehensive assessment, a clinical diagnosis (the only way any insurance company will pay), & I could only work with you if you lived in a state where I hold a license.

    Coaching doesn’t have any of those limitations. No stacks of paperwork for you to fill out, no long evaluations, no labels that become part of your medical history, & no requirement on where you need to live to access this support!

  • Hoarding is a complex condition that is best treated with a level of support beyond the scope of this program. I STRONGLY recommend seeking out a specialized therapist. You can search online for providers in your area, contact your insurance company to ask for help in finding a provider, or check out Psychology Today (a website that has a directory of thousands of mental health providers).

  • How would you decide that it “worked” or was “worth it”?

    When I ask this question, what I typically hear is something on the lines of: “as long as I have no discomfort in the process & never have another uncomfortable emotion or need to work on this problem ever again.”

    But there is no secret escape hatch to life. There will always be times you will feel uncomfortable, angry, sad, & every other emotion. This process is no exception.

    What I can tell you is that if you commit to keep showing up for yourself even when it feels hard, you absolutely will not fail. (And I can guarantee that this time you won't be going it alone because I'll be in your corner every step).

  • Such a great question (& a fear I used to have too!)

    I walk through a plan with you at the end of the program, so you have a customized guide to maintain your progress & my program is designed to teach you the skills you need to coach yourself.

    As to getting something out of it: I can confidently say that the only way you “won’t get anything out of it” is if you literally don’t show up or put in the effort to implement what we talk about.

  • I get it. But here’s the thing - you're the only one who can decide when you're ready to stop trying the same things over and over again without making any real progress.

    You're the only one who can decide when you're done trading time for things & swapping moments of your life for maintaining stuff you don't actually want.

    You get to choose how you spend your time & what investments are worth it to you. I'm not here to convince you of what you should do. This is your life.

    But I will offer this: the investment in yourself is the ONLY one that you can guarantee ROI on.

Ready to find your freedom?

Why Book Now?

Because of what your clutter is already costing you

Time -

We can’t only do things that make us want to throw confetti. But how much of your time is going to managing your stuff (or looking at Pinterest boards for inspiration, or browsing Amazon for cute baskets & bins?)? How many times did you say no to something you wanted to do because you were too busy or too tired? This is not your practice life. You don’t need to keep missing out on it!

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” - Henry David Thoreau

Money -

  • Without systems in place, you buy duplicates because you can’t find what you need half the time.

  • You keep wasting money on organizing “solutions” that don’t work, no matter how well you organize.

  • You are using “retail therapy”, decluttering that stuff, then accumulating again. If you don’t solve the root issue, the cycle will keep repeating & your credit card statement will reflect it 💸

  • You’re paying to put your kids in activities because you are burned out. If your space doesn’t support your mental health, you’ll look for other ways to create relief. Maybe you do want them in some activities, but do you want that choice to be based on your own stress?

Relationships -

You’re on this page because you feel the strain that clutter is creating in your home. Your stress influences how you interact with everyone around you. You’re not responsible for anyone else’s emotions, but are you showing up the way you want to in the relationships that matter to you?

Health -

I don’t need to tell you that when it feels like life is out of control, you feel pretty terrible. Research shows that women who live in cluttered homes have higher levels of cortisol (a stress hormone). Clutter is linked to higher levels of anxiety, depression, & worse sleep. Add the concentration & organization problems that go along with feeling depressed, anxious, & drained, & you have a recipe for Everything Sucks.

But you can choose a different path.

What would it be like if you didn’t feel like you were moving so fast your life was flying by without you?

If you could say yes to what you want without guilt or the fear of what will fall through the cracks?

What would be possible if you felt energized, motivated, & creative again?

If you gave yourself permission to dream…maybe even dare to chase them?

The time is going to pass anyway. What do you want to do with it?

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase.

Just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.